A good day for Water Rails
South Lake The Discovery Hide is a good place to catch up with a variety of gull species although Great Black-backed Gull (pictured with fish remains) isn't too regular a visitor, this species is often found on the Top New Piece or Dumbles or on the Sev
16 December 2018
Today's sightings
Mute swan Whooper swan Bewick's swan Greylag goose Pink-footed goose Barnacle goose Canada goose Egyptian goose Bean goose (Taiga) x5 Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pochard Gadwall Pintail Tufted duck Teal Wigeon Moorhen Cormorant White stork Grey heron Crane
16 December 2018
Pair of Black-tailed Godwit dropped into the wader scrape
2 Black-tailed Godwit - flew on to scrape from the river a.m. 1 Jack Snipe - main lake island 21 1 Little Owl - entrance bank a.m. 2 Bittern - main lake N+S shores 2 Marsh Harrier - flew high over the wildside 1200hrs 6 Fieldfare - sheltered lagoon 1 Wat
16 December 2018
More Bewick`s and Whitefront`s
Rushy A steady arrival of new Bewick`s Swans over the past two days and again last night. At least 82 on site including a new family with one youngster. Still some lingering ice so top pond very busy with Tufted Duck 210, Pochard 21, Pintail 51 and Teal 9
15 December 2018
Today's sightings
Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Barnacle goose Bean goose (Taiga) x 5 Pink-footed goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Little grebe Cormorant Coot Moorhen White stork (last sighting at the main observatory) G
15 December 2018
Whistling Wigeon
93 Wigeon - wader scrape 2 Shelduck - wader scrape 5 Pintail - main lake, sheltered lagoon, marsh 7 Fieldfare - wader scrape bank 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital 1 Water Pipit - wader scrape 1 Kestrel December bird highlights: Shelduck, Goldeneye, Bitt
15 December 2018
Latest Sightings - Saturday 15th December - no snow yet
A cold and overcast start to the day. If the forecasts are correct, we could expect some travel disruption in the area later today so please be prepared if you plan to visit today. The ponds have thawed out a bit from yesterday so the wildfowl have more o
15 December 2018
Latest Sightings - Friday 14th December - Some internet connection back, but no card payments or webcams yet
We apologise for the lack of recent sightings updates, we have been experiencing problems with our internet connection. Although we are now able to make website updates, we are still unable to take card payments in the Centre, so if you plan to visit befo
14 December 2018
Latest Sightings
Light winds, sunshine and a frosty start make for perfect winter birding conditions. 1000's of birds on the Mere this morning A few counts just on the Mere produced 580 Shelduck, 470 Wigeon, 490 Teal, 220 Pintail, 40
14 December 2018
Close to 100
There has definitely been an increase in the White-fronted Goose flock over the last couple of days with 97 birds counted this morning in the north of the reserve, so fingers crossed there are some hiding in the south to take us into three-figures. Holden
14 December 2018
Today's sightings
Bewick's swan Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Barnacle goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Coot Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Curlew Black-tailed godwit Ruff Redshank Snipe Lapwing Starling Chiff-chaff Reed
14 December 2018
Water Rails making themselves heard
2 Bittern - main lake (North shore) 1 Shelduck - main lake 2 Pintail - main lake 11 Mandarin - wildside 3 Water Rail - heard calling from reservoir lagoon, reedbed 2 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 1 Water Pipit - wader scrape 18 Redwing - South route 2 Pere
14 December 2018
Today's sightings 14/12/18
a.m. mid tide Wader Lake (frozen) mute swan 2 Shelduck 5 Saline lagoon shelduck 2 Hawthorn Wood great spotted woodpecker male Goldfinch 6 Coal tit 2 blue tit 10 Great tit 7 bullfinch 14 chaffinch 5 greenfinch robin 2 jay willow tit Other birds wren - play
14 December 2018
Survey reveals record number of UK's tallest bird
2018 has been the most successful year for Britain’s tallest bird – the Eurasian crane – since the 17th Century, according to figures released today. A record 54 pairs produced 25 chicks, bringing the national total population up to around 180 bi
14 December 2018
Today's sightings
Mute swan Whooper swan Bewick's swan Greylag goose Canada goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pochard Tufted duck Pintail Teal Wigeon Moorhen Cormorant Great egret Grey heron Curlew Ruff Black-tailed godwit Redshank Lapwing Golden plover Snipe Green woodpecke
13 December 2018