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Wildlife sightings - 08/08/2023

Wildlife sightings - 08/08/2023

a.m. Tide Level: HighWader LakeOystercatcher 3Grey heron 18 juvenileLapwing 452Teal 10Black-tailed godwit 2Common tern 6 + 2 juvenileBlack-headed gull 119 + 11 juvenile + 3 chicksRedshank 27Curlew 7Avocet 14 (2 juvenile)Shelduck 11 juvenileRuff 3Swallow 4

8 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 07/08/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 07/08/2023

Weather: SunnyRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWader Lake SpeciesAvocet - 20Curlew - 8Lapwing - 360Black-tailed Godwit - 2Redshank - 33Dunlin - 1Little Egret - 1Teal - 8Shelduck - 10Common Tern - 5Black-headed Gull - 7Heron - 1Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Station

7 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings 6/08/2023

Wildlife Sightings 6/08/2023

Weather: SunnyRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWade Lake SpeciesAvocet - 18Lapwing - 63Black-tailed godwit - 3Redshank - 41Dunlin - 1Curlew - 72Black headed Gull - 47Common tern - 5Grey heron - 24Shelduck - 16Te

6 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 05/08/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 05/08/2023

Weather: rainRiver wear tide level: highA.MWader lake:Avocet - 15Curlew - 1Black-tailed Godwit - 4redshank - 22Oystercatcher - 5Lapwing - 102Black-headed Gull - 50Common Tern - 3 + 2 juvenileHerring Gull - 6 +6 youngShelduck- 18Teal - 9Heron - 7 + 3 young

5 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 04/08/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 04/08/2023

Weather: Overcast, drizzleRiver Wear Tide Level: MidWader Lake SpeciesAvocet - 14Grey Heron - 9Black-tailed Godwit - 5Shelduck - 2 & 12 ducklingsCommon Tern - 9 & 2 juvenilesOystercatcher - 1Curlew - 2Ruff - 3Lapwing - 197Black-headed Gull - 17 & 8 juveni

4 August 2023

Wildlife sightings - 03/08/2023

Wildlife sightings - 03/08/2023

a.m. Tide Level: MidWader LakeBlack-tailed godwit 3Shelduck 19 (18 juvenile)Avocet 15Gadwall 8Common tern 5 (2 juvenile)Swallow 3Ruff 3Lapwing 111Black-headed gull 24 (5 juvenile)Grey heron 6Greylag goose 5Curlew 1Lesser black-back gull 1Shoveler 3Grey wa

3 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings 2/08/2023

Wildlife Sightings 2/08/2023

Weather: rain / overcastRiver wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Avocet - 19Shelduck - 2 + 12 DucklingsGrey Heron - 14Common Tern - 8 + 2 JuvenileBlack-headed Gull - 18 + 4 JuvenileTeal - 16 Greylag Goose - 3 + 1 GoslingCurlew - 3Lapwing - 168Kestrel - 2

2 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 1/08/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 1/08/2023

Weather: OvercastRiver wear tide level: LowA.MWader lake:Avocet 20Lapwing 173Oystercatcher 2Curlew 5Ruff 3Redshank 2C.Tern 9+2youngB.H.Gull 52Grey heron 11Hawthorn WoodG.S. Woodpecker (1 male/2 female juv.) 4Greenfinch 5Goldfinch 2Chaffinch

1 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings 31/07/2023

Wildlife Sightings 31/07/2023

Weather: CloudyRiver Wear Tide Level: LowWader Lake SpeciesAvocet - 18Shelduck - 16 (14 juv.)Gadwall - 8Lapwing - 155Greylag Goose - 7Curlew - 2Black-headed Gull - 16 (5 juv.)Shoveler - 3Common Tern - 8Grey Her

31 July 2023

Close Encounters - Drawn to Water top tips

Close Encounters - Drawn to Water top tips

Close Encounters has a certain charm that draws you in. It's a tranquil space that is filled with life! As one of the first exhibits you reach on the west of our collection, Close Encounters has it all - quirky and interesting water birds, scented flowe

31 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 29/07/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 29/07/2023

Weather: Bright light and breezeRiver wear tide level: midA.MWader lake:Ruff - 3Oystercatcher - 2Lapwing - 117Avocet - 36redshank - 14Common Tern - 10 +1 chickBlack-headed Gull - 70 + 11 chicksCurlew - 4Gadwall - 11Shoveler - 5Shelduck - 14Grey Heron - 13

29 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings 28/07/2023

Wildlife Sightings 28/07/2023

Weather: Warm/CloudyWader Lake SpeciesShelduck - 2 ( + 5 ducklings )Common Gull - 1Grey Heron - 8Ruff - 3Curlew - 4Teal - 15Coal Tit - 1Great Tit - 2 ( + 5 juvs )Jay - 2Chaffinch - 4 ( F ) 2 ( M )Gree

28 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings 27/07/2023

Wildlife Sightings 27/07/2023

Weather: RainRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWader Lake SpeciesOystercatcher - 1Shelduck - 2 + 14 juv.Avocet - 24Lapwing - 94Tufted Duck - 1Gadwall - 11Black-heasded Gull - 15 + 4 juv. + 1 chickCommon Tern - 4Redshank

27 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 26/07/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 26/07/2023

Weather: sunnyRiver wear tide level: highA.MWader lake:Black-headed Gull - 48 + 8 juvenileRedshank - 38Black-tailed Godwit - 2Avocet - 31Lapwing - 250Common Gull - 1Oystercatcher - 1Curlew - 9Ruff - 3Shelduck - 1 +9 DucklingsTeal - 5Grey Heron - 17Common

26 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings 25/07/2023

Wildlife Sightings 25/07/2023

Weather: CloudyRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWader Lake SpeciesCanalag - 1Avocet - 31Lesser black-backed Gull - 2Shelduck - 1 + 7 juv.Greylag - 1Black-headed Gull (78 ad.,6 juv., 1 chick) - 85Lapwing - 205Redshank -

25 July 2023