
Collared Pratincole remains

Collared Pratincole remains

The Collared Pratincole was still on the South Lake today, and continues to show very well at times from the Discovery Hide

26 October 2022

Last chance for Summer Walkway

Last chance for Summer Walkway

We've got some good tides this week, and this morning's produced a great roost of waders and other birds - but you don't have long to experience it from Middle Point

25 October 2022

Collared Pratincole still here

Collared Pratincole still here

Our rare visitor remained throughout the weekend despite the wet weather, and has now found the South Lake to its liking

24 October 2022

Collared Pratincole on Top New Piece

Collared Pratincole on Top New Piece

A Collared Pratincole has been found on the Top New Piece this morning, viewed from Zeiss Hide

20 October 2022

Easterly winds bring new arrivals

Easterly winds bring new arrivals

A change in wind direction has opened the flood gates for birds arriving in the UK from the Continent, including our first White-fronted Geese of the season

19 October 2022

Barn Owl hunting Dumbles

Barn Owl hunting Dumbles

A Barn Owl was hunting the Lower Dumbles this morning, seen from the Estuary Tower

17 October 2022

Bittern on the Top New Piece again

Bittern on the Top New Piece again

Top New PieceA Bittern was seen to fly from the island adjacent to the hide towards the Kingfisher Hide (late morning per J. Budd). On the flood at least 60 Lapwing, seven Ruff and 46 Golden Plover were present early morning, the numbers fluctuate during

16 October 2022

On the move

On the move

After yesterday's foggy start, there is evidence of a bit of movement this morning with birds moving overhead and numbers of other species building on the ponds and scrapes

14 October 2022

Golden Plover numbers building

Golden Plover numbers building

More and more winter birds are starting to arrive on the reserve, with over 100 birds over Middle Point this morning as the tide came in

12 October 2022

A blustery start

A blustery start

It is rather windy this morning, with birds taking shelter where they can and bringing some closer to our hides

5 October 2022

A Ruff count

A Ruff count

Amongst the waders on the reserve and estuary this week are a flock of at least 40 Ruff, maybe even more

4 October 2022

Wader action continuing

Wader action continuing

Flocks of waders are continuing to come in to the Top New Piece, despite the falling tides

3 October 2022

'tseep' - our first Redwing of the season

'tseep' - our first Redwing of the season

The first Redwing of the season flew over the car park this morning, two birds heading south-east. We're also continuing to see a great selection of waders on the river, and an adult Mediterranean Gull was on the South Lake

2 October 2022

A rather grey day

A rather grey day

This morning the estuary was hidden in fog, which eventually lifted but the weather remains grey with rain to come

30 September 2022

More estuary waders

More estuary waders

Despite the weather it has been another good morning for waders on the estuary, with a good mixed flock showing well from Middle Point

29 September 2022