
Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Estuary TowerYellow Wagtail over toward grounds. The DumblesFlock of Barnacle Geese with Snow x Bar-headed hybrid.Top New PiecePintail, 150 Teal with Gadwall and Shoveler plus 2 juvenile Ruff on the flood.Middle PointTen Avocet on tidal pool to South with

7 September 2020

'New in' Spotted Redshank

'New in' Spotted Redshank

First juvenile Spotted Redshank of the year

6 September 2020

Pintail on Estuary

Pintail on Estuary

Nice to see some newly arrived Pintail on the estuary.

5 September 2020

Friday's birding

Friday's birding

An unusual gull was in the roost at high tide

4 September 2020

Garganey remains

Garganey remains

The Garganey was still on the Top New Piece this morning - can you spot it amongst the Teal?

3 September 2020

Three egrets from the tower

Three egrets from the tower

All three species of egret were on offer from the Estuary Tower this morning - who could have imagined that even 10 years ago!

2 September 2020

Sweet September is here

Sweet September is here

Highlights from a quick hide roundA few Sand Martins with the House Martins and Swallows.The Dumbles/Summer Walkway65+ Linnet, 15+ Goldfinch, 5 Whitethroat, 2 juvenile Peregrine (often interacting and vocal so possibly siblings), flocks of Barnacle and C

1 September 2020

Golden Plover

Golden Plover

Single Golden Plover circling the reserve

31 August 2020

Velvet Scoter on the river

Velvet Scoter on the river

We've had a reliable report of a Velvet Scoter seen in flight with two Common Scoter on the river at 10:30am.

28 August 2020

Some highlights from 25-27 August

Some highlights from 25-27 August

Arctic Skua record count 25 August.Seven rested off Middle Point as Storm Francis arrived on the Severn. A flock of 30 Common Tern appeared from the NE and stayed until the tide came in. An adult and juvenile Arctic Tern were also about the estuary with a

27 August 2020

Touring Great White Egret

Touring Great White Egret

Great White EgretTop New PieceEight juvenile Ruff, single Redshank,a juvenile Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Green Sandpiper and a Snipe were feeding on the exposed mud. 38 Greylag + Teal, Shoveler and Gadwall. Wader numbers should increase over the tide. Many o

24 August 2020

Warblers as well as waders and wildfowl

Warblers as well as waders and wildfowl

Our hedgerows and scrubby areas have been full of warblers of late, if you checked any sheltered spot with berries today you would have seen and heard a few species. Both Common and Lesser Whitethroat, numerous Blackcaps, Chiffchaff and Willow, Reed, Sedg

23 August 2020

High Tide, Waders and a Black Tern

High Tide, Waders and a Black Tern

Another high tide this morning bringing lots of waders into the site

22 August 2020

Tide hitting its peak

Tide hitting its peak

Today sees the biggest tides of the current cycle, reaching around 10m

21 August 2020

Wader roost

Wader roost

It was a productive morning at the Zeiss Hide for the wader roost over high tide.

20 August 2020