
South Lake continues to be a hot spot

South Lake continues to be a hot spot

South LakeFollowing the seasonal work and essential management tasks last week, South Lake has been brilliant, the waders and wildfowl have been very easy to see on the newly opened up causeways and islands across the scrape, many birds are coming very cl

28 July 2020

South Lake puts on a show

South Lake puts on a show

After the first part of its annual autumn cut the South Lake was attracting a great selection of birds.

24 July 2020

Little Stints

Little Stints

We've had a couple of very hectic days trying to start and finish seasonal management work on the South Lake yesterday and Rushy today so the blog hasn't been updated fully.Two breeding plumage Little Stint were the highlight today, they were accompanying

22 July 2020

Incoming Dunlin

Incoming Dunlin

Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide78 Avocet (+2 broods, 1 and 4), 2 Lapwing, 2 Grey Heron, 1 juvenile Redshank, 90 Dunlin (adults in breeding plumage but at least 3 juveniles), 15 Gadwall, 12 Teal, juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 4 Yellow Wagtail on the islands + a

20 July 2020

Young Kingfishers

Young Kingfishers

Rushy HideJust a single Green Sandpiper, 3 Lapwing and a family of Shelduck.Tack PieceAt least 5 Green Sandpipers here a handful of Teal, 3 Lapwings a lone Little Egret and the 3 Egyptian Geese.Estuary TowerTwo Little Egrets, two Heron and10 Curlew distan

18 July 2020

Kingfishers fledge brood number three

Kingfishers fledge brood number three

Our volunteer Guide in the Hide Ian was fortunate to be in the Kingfisher Hide this morning to see the Kingfishers fledge the first juvenile of their third brood of the season!

17 July 2020

Look out for waders

Look out for waders

A quick check of the Stephen Kirk Hide this morning resulted in a great show of waders, with lots more elsewhere on the reserve too.

16 July 2020

Vote to ban lead ammunition shot down again as dirty tricks prevail

Vote to ban lead ammunition shot down again as dirty tricks prevail

Lead ban on hold yet again as last minute objection derails plans.

15 July 2020

Last Avocet clutch is hatching

Last Avocet clutch is hatching

Zeiss Hide/Top New PieceThe adult Spotted Redshank came in from the Severn, it was out in the main channel early morning, 105 Lapwing, 9 Little-ringed Plover (3 adults), 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 male Ruff, 7 Avocet (the final clutch is hatching, look on the i

14 July 2020

Avocet update

Avocet update

Avocet updateOur scrapes are gradually becoming quieter as newly fledged young follow their parents to join the 'super' flock on the Severn. A single flock of 114 was counted this morning on the low tide pools. This included 29 juveniles, some of these h

13 July 2020

Sunday roundup

Sunday roundup

The return of warm weather saw plenty of dragonflies and butterflies on the wing, Essex Skipper was noted and Marbled Whites and Emperor Dragonflies were much in evidence.Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece-78 adult Dunlin, 32 Avocet, 5 Green Sandpiper, 22 Redshank,

12 July 2020

Another Wood Sandpiper

Another Wood Sandpiper

A Wood Sandpiper was found on the Top New Piece this morning, viewed from the Zeiss Hide.

10 July 2020

Crane chick continues to grow

Crane chick continues to grow

Down at the Kingfisher Hide our Crane chick continues to grow well, although it was a little soggy this morning walking through the wet grass.

9 July 2020

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A little damp on and off today, but high tide pushed in a few birds

8 July 2020

Two more Ruff

Two more Ruff

Top New Piece from Zeiss HideThree male Ruff (blonde, black and white phases) and two Reeves, 2 Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 92 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Little-ringed Plover (4 adults, 1 juvenile), 3 adult breeding plumage Dunlin, 7 Redshank, 52 Avoce

7 July 2020