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Close Encounters of the Fluffy, Artistic and from Behind-the-Scenes kind

behind the scenesOn Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June enjoy a very special exclusive behind-the-Scenes tour and discover how the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust manage their wildlife reserve and collection of ducks, geese, and swans from around the world. Grounds and Reserve Manager, Kerry Mackie, will take you behind the scenes and explain how the all the amazing spaces for wetland creatures have been created, their ongoing management and show you the benefits to wildlife throughout the seasons. Seasonal highlights at WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre include the arrival of thousands of Brent geese in winter to the return of other birds, such as Swallows, to build nests and rear their young. Tours start at 2.30pm. Please call us to book your space.

A few more dates for the diary; Saturday 15 June, Fathers Go Feral is a Father’s Day event with a difference. Now into the 6th year this one books quickly. A chance for dads everywhere and their kids to learn about bush craft, camp out under the stars in Castle Espie’s woodland and learn more about nature. Starts at 7pm; adults £30; children £20. Please call us to book your space.

Duckling & Dabblers Watercolour Workshop, Saturday 15 June - this workshop is for anyone who enjoys sketching and using watercolours. Illustrating the new arrivals and feathered residents in the beautiful WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre reserve with artist Bernice Anderson. Starts at 10am and costs £15 for adults and £10 for children (includes lunch in the Loughsore Cafe and entrance to the reserve for the rest of the afternoon). Please call to book your space.

And last but not least the popular Downy Duckling Tours have started and take place every Saturday and Sunday in June at noon, 2pm and 3pm, and on a Wednesday at 3pm. Families will have a unique opportunity to see and discover how ducklings develop inside an egg and break free from the shell into a young bird that you can meet whilst exploring the duckling nursery. We will take you to our egg room to see the incubators, where we will use a technique called candling to show you ducklings developing inside their eggs at different stages – from one week of development all the way through to ducklings trying to hatch! If you are lucky enough to come on a day when a duckling has just hatched in our hatching incubator, you will be able to meet it up close! You will also tour our indoor duckery and finally visit the outdoor duckery, where our older ducklings enjoy five star accommodation with a heated coop and their first swimming pool! Tours are included in price of admissions, due to popular demand pre-booking is essential. WWT members are also required to book their space although they will not be charged. WWT members must arrive promptly 15 minutes before tour otherwise there space will be reallocated.

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