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DOWN to Earth’ with the Ulster Society of Women Artists

On Saturday 15 June at 2.30pm, the Art Gallery will be offering a unique and exciting Strata 1opportunity to view ‘DOWN to earth’ art exhibition by the Ulster Society of Women Artists (U.S.W.A.).

The U.S.W.A. was founded in 1957 by the artist Gladys MacCabe. Today it has a thriving membership of over one hundred professional and semi professional and amateur artists, representing a wide variety of styles and media by painters, sculptors and other visual artists.

The Society looks forward once again to exhibiting in the Castle Espie Art Gallery, situated within the beautiful surroundings of the Castle Espie Wetland Centre.

Kate Rocks, Sectary of the U.S.W.A highlighted, “Our exhibition is entitled “DOWN to Earth”. It will include 2D and 3D work, based on the theme of Nature. The exhibition represents art work by members who, through their continuous excellent standard of work, have received Diploma Status, and also those artists who have received awards at the Annual Exhibition.”

Kate went on to say, “We feel privileged as a society to be exhibiting in such a lovely venue and at the same time helping in a small way to further the work of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust”

Maeve Curran, Marketing and Communications Manager at WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre said: “We are delighted to welcome back the U.S.W.A and are especially looking forward to seeing the high standards of work with the theme surrounding Co Down as well as having a natural and earthy twist.”

The exhibition will be opened on Saturday 15 June at 2.30pm and will run until Sunday 21 July 2013.

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