Dragonflies, damselflies and cygnets - recent sightings

A walk through the wildflower meadow and out along the Lochar would not be complete without seeing dragon and damselflies aplenty, and you can tell by our recent sightings that’s what is exciting us here at Caerlaverock at the moment.

These carnivorous insects are everywhere at the moment, noticeable because of their bold colouring, dashing flight and impressive territorial defence behaviour. Banded demoiselles, azure damselflies and four-spotted chasers are among those seen on site this week. Other exciting insect sightings include the beautiful cinnabar moth along the avenue.

Even if you aren’t seeing much around the reserve, you are always going to hear lots – a reed warbler has been heard regularly (and spotted a few times as well!) in the reed bed along the Peter Scott Trail.

Other highlights include the chicks that are around the reserve. The mallard ducklings and moorhen chicks are getting big now and the mute swans hatched last weekend bringing an abundance of cuteness.

And finally our biggest highlight this week: an avocet! It flew onto the Folly Pond on Saturday and as an unusual visitor to Caerlaverock, we are thrilled and hope it sticks around.

Recent Sightings 22nd - 27th May


azure damselfly

banded demoiselle

bank vole

birds foot trefoil

blue tailed damselfly

cinnabar moth


drinker moth caterpillar

four-spotted chaser

large red damselfly

mallard and ducklings

meadow pipit

moorhen and chicks

mute swan and cygnets


peppered moth

red fox

reed bunting

reed warbler



Written by Marianne Nicholson

Feature image of mute swan and cygnets by Marianne Nicholson

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