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First Light-bellied Brent Goslings Hatch

(c) Chris Henry WWT
(c) Chris Henry WWT

WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre has announced the safe arrival of two light-bellied brent geese goslings.  It’s the first time that the aviculture team at Castle Espie have successfully bred light- bellied brent geese and are currently the only light bellied brent goslings in the UK.

The week old goslings are being hand reared by the aviculture team at Castle Espie and are dividing their time between the indoor and outdoor duckeries with the visitors to the Wetland Centre catching a glimpse of them for the first time when they spent some time in the sunshine.

Light-bellied brent geese are independent from birth and feed on grass and starter crumb which is essentially brent goose baby food. They have also been enjoying lettuce that has been grown in the Sensory Garden at Castle Espie.

On Tuesday 7th July at the same time as light bellied geese were hatching in the wild, the two eggs started pipping, a process where they break through the yolk sac and start to pip away at the shell using their beak.  The following day they had started to break holes in the surface of the shell whilst in the incubator. At lunchtime the first gosling broke free of its shell and was followed several hours later by its sibling who wasn’t as efficient at escaping. Their parents are two years old and produced fertile eggs in their first clutch. As brent geese pair for life, it is hoped that next year they will continue to produce young.

Castle Espie Reserve Manager Kerry Mackie commented:

“People have been visiting Castle Espie specially to see the new goslings which is wonderful. Brent geese are iconic to Strangford Lough and this is the first time that people are getting the chance to see them as chicks.

Although the brent visit the shores of Strangford Lough in their thousands each year, Castle Espie provides the chance to meet them up close, year round in Close Encounters. By seeing them, hearing them and watching them, we bring visitors a greater understanding of the brent geese and their incredible journey here each year.

The aviculture team at Castle Espie have done a fine job in successfully hatching our newest arrivals and we look forward to celebrating that special connection in the autumn.”

This October, Castle Espie Wetland Centre is celebrating the return of the wild, light-bellied brent geese and their connection to Castle Espie and Strangford Lough by holding The Big Brent Event from Friday 2nd October to Sunday 4th October. The event which is part funded by Ards and North Down Borough Council will include expert talks, photography workshop, fun family activities and more.

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