Goodbye White-fronted Geese?

The Eurasian (Russian) White fronted Goose flock has once again been very obliging and provided us with brilliant views for much of the weekend. A fairly clear night with a tail wind is forecast, will our birds take the decision to depart on their way back to Arctic Russia. Find out over the next few days!

Another record count of Black-tailed Godwit was made during the WeBS survey today. A whopping 654 were present on the reserve!

Other totals as follows

144 Mute Swan
150 White-fronted Geese
224 Greylag
38 Canada Geese
75 Barnacle Geese
402 Shelduck
344 Wigeon
320 Teal
349 Mallard
12 Pintail
2 Garganey (drakes on the Dumbles scrape all day)
119 Shoveler
3 Pochard
181 Tufted Duck
11 Little Grebe
3 Great Crested Grebe
13 Cormorant
1 Cattle Egret (seen on fields to N but flew toward Hock Ditch)
4 Little Egret
6 Grey Heron
17 Oystercatcher
93 Avocet (possible movement of birds between Dumbles/Top New Piece whilst counting)
75 Golden Plover (hunkered down in the Bottom New Piece)
79 Lapwing
16 Red Knot (three on Top New Piece and 16 over the Rushy)
1 Dunlin
34 Redshank
654 Black-tailed Godwit
98 Curlew
2 Snipe
1 Ruff
388 Black-headed Gull
14 Great Black-headed Gull
36 Herring Gull
4 Kingfisher

Other species noted today included...

A male Goshawk over the Tack Piece
The Great Skua on the estuary all day.
Marsh Harrier female
12+ Chiffchaff
Singing Blackcap in the Decoy
10 Fieldfare

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