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Guillemot still on the estuary

Yesterday's surprise Guillemot was still on the estuary today, sat in a tidal pool off Middle Point

Yesterday's surprise Guillemot was still on the estuary today, sat in a tidal pool off Middle Point. The bird was seen to again fend off a Great Black-backed Gull that took an interest. The photo above was taken by our volunteer, Jonathan, yesterday.

Kingfisher Hide
A flock of 127 Barnacle Geese were on the Bottom New Piece with the Ross's Goose.

Zeiss Hide
Three juvenile Ruff were at the north end of the Top New Piece with two Green Sandpiper. Also counted were 154 Teal, two Shoveler, two Water Rail calling from the reedbed, three Grey Heron, two Yellow Wagtail and four Snipe.

South Lake
No sign of the Garganey today but duck did include 165 Teal, 90 Gadwall and 32 Shoveler. A flock of 223 Black-tailed Godwit (including 14 juveniles) were on the wader scrape. Also of note were two Cormorant, a Grey Heron, a flyover Yellow Wagtail and two Kingfisher.

Rushy Hide
The Wood Sandpiper was at the back of the lower pond this morning with two Green Sandpiper. Two of the Spotted Redshank were roosting on the islands on the upper pond along with 19 Redshank, 25 Black-tailed Godwit, 12 Ruff and nine Snipe. Five Shoveler were also counted along with a Cormorant, a Grey Heron, and a juvenile Kingfisher was perched on the swan pipe frame.

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