Kingfisher regulars?
We could well be seeing a return of regular sightings of Kingfishers with one known sighting yesterday and two today. All these were seen in different parts of the reserve so could be seen anywhere from the ditches to wetlands discovery boat safari.
Little egrets have been seen on a more regular basis from the Ramsar and Scrape hides and from the latter new broods of Tufted duck and increasing Teal numbers.
Two Shoveler were in their discrete eclipse plumage from the Sand martin hide this morning.
Increasing numbers of Small tortoiseshell, Peacock, Comma and Red Admiral butterflies making the most of the warm summer at the moment and Gatekeepers using most of the hedgerows around the reserve.
Water voles continue to have a great breeding season across the reserve with added unusual views at the Ramsar and Lapwing hides.
Dragonfly species currently flying include Black tailed skimmer, Brown and Southern hawker, Common darter, Azure, Small red eyed and Blue tailed damselflies.