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Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week at Martin Mere with a couple of rare sightings and the arrival of summer migrants!

One of the reserve team picked up a pair of bean geese from Ron Barker hide during our weekly dawn count last week. The birds stuck around until about 8am before leaving with a flock of pink footed geese. The pinks have been leaving quite early recently so the team haven't been able to record them again.

A green winged teal has also been seen from Ron Barker on Sunday and is still present. It is amongst the Eurasian teal so is quite difficult to pick out amongst the male teal, look out for the white bar across it's breast.

We have also had 3 avocet arrive on Woodend Marsh in one of the spells of good weather, they are a bit early this year and haven't been seen on site for a couple of days. We should hopefully see them return in the next few weeks and in higher numbers ready for the breeding season.

Our reserve team and volunteers have completed the monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) today and here are the results:

Wigeon 645

Gadwall 13
Teal 588
Mallard 566
Pintail 306
Shoveler 49
Pochard 24
Tufted Duck 10
Mute Swan 3
Whooper Swan 899
Shelduck 309
Greylag Goose 203
Canada Goose 124
Pink-footed goose 2363
Moorhen 84
Coot 96
Lapwing 766
Ruff 7
Black-tailed Godwit 78
Oystercatcher 39

Avocet 1

Little grebe 2
Cormorant 6
Little Egret 3
Cattle Egret 6
Great white egret 1
Black-headed gull 1206
Great black-backed gull 2

Marsh harrier 17

Red-breasted goose 1
Green winged teal 1

Volunteering Week

If you’re interested in volunteering at Martin Mere, but want to find out more about what’s involved, join us for our Volunteering Week from 24 February until 1 March.

We’ll be hosting an open day each day from 1-3pm. Come and speak to our friendly team to see what roles we have available, from helping out in the shop, volunteering with our education team, or being a guide in the hide. No need to book - just show up! Find out more.

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