Latest Sightings

Firstly I must apologize for the limited amount of posts on here for the last few weeks, we have been very short staffed in the reserve department and I have had limited time to write an update.

From the 21st August our new Reserve Warden, Joe Bilous, will be starting so we will once again be able to provide daily updates to the page. In the meantime feel free to follow us on Twitter so direct news. Twitter allows us the put news out whilst on the reserve from our mobile phones this means you get all the news you would on this page when it happens.

Around the reserve, autumn quickly sprung upon us with flock of Greylag & Canada Geese gathering in large numbers on the reserve with the annual Bar-headed Goose making an appearance. Also during this time some waders dropped by on their southern migration. The most significant site was a group of 3 WOOD SANDPIPER feeding in the flooded field the day after we had our autumn shower (or should I say downpour!), also during that period we had good number of Green Sandpiper dropping by, spending most of the time on the Flood Ground and the Folly Pond. Common Sandpiper was a regular sight around all our water bodies, but after the massive thunderstorms and downpours all suitable mud was covered over and the birds moved on.

After the hay cuts had been done on all of our fields large numbers of gulls arrived to feed on the field. In with the 900+ Black-headed Gull was an adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL. This bird was only our second record on the reserve and the first record inland at Caerlaverock. The bird spent 3 days feeding in the field before moving onto the Lochar Water.

Also on the Lochar Water was a YELLOW-LEGGED GULL. This bird is the first ever record for WWT Caerlaverock and also possibly the only record in what was Dumfriesshire, before it became Dumfries & Galloway. This adult bird remained present for at least 5 days and it spend a lot of time with the 2 Mediterranean Gulls, one which had previously been feeding in the fields but also another different individual.

Wildfowl seem to have a not to bad breeding season with huge number of Mallard ducklings. Every brood had 9 ducklings with very few disappearing. Shoveler didn’t breed this year but once again we managed to have some Gadwall chicks which are still present with mum on the Flood Ground. Moorhens had good numbers of youngsters and little grebes bred again. Water Rail was heard calling early on which indicated that they were trying to breed, but sadly we don’t know the outcome of this species.

Over the last few weeks a female MARSH HARRIER has been seen regularly around the site spending most of its time over the Flood Ground. Also around the reserve raptors such as Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Peregrines have been a common sight.

Good numbers of Willow Warblers are around the reserve at the moment with Blackcap, Sedge Warbler and Common Whitethroat. Also around is a family of Whinchat, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Goldfinch and Song Thrush, plus all the usual species.

Like I mentioned earlier, hopefully this page will become updated daily like before but if you would like to get news from Caerlaverock instantly when it happens follow us on Twitter

Osprey & Badger Cam

Dont miss our live feed from the Osprey Nest and Badger Webcam!! During the day the camera points out onto the Osprey nest, then come 5pm, the camera is moved so you can watch our badgers feeding.

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