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Latest Sightings

This morning, our reserve team carried out the monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS). WeBS helps us to monitor internationally important wetland species and determine trends in their population and distribution.

WeBs Results:

Wigeon 256Shelduck 235Greylag Goose 126Avocet 22Great Crested Grebe 4Great White Egret 5Mediterranean Gull 2
Gadwall 14Shoveler 78Canada Goose 97Oystercatcher 26Cormorant 5Snipe 11Great Black-Backed Gull 2
Mallard 619Pochard 28Pink-Footed Goose 201Black-Tailed Godwit 106Grey Heron 1Kingfisher 1Lesser Black-Backed Gull 6
Pintail 64Coot 72Whooper Swan 288Little Grebe 6Little Egret 3Lapwing 90
Black-Headed Gull 300
Tufted Duck 20Moorhen 136Mute Swan 6Ruff 30Cattle Egret 12Teal 218Jack Snipe 1
Redshank 8Woodcock 2

Birds of prey observed today include; 2 Marsh Harriers seen from Ron Barker hide, 1 Buzzard seen at the back of the Mere, 2 Kestrels seen from Gordon Taylor hide, 1 Kestrel seen on the Mere.

On Friday, 1 Water Rail was spotted from Rees hide.

Photograph of an Avocet.

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