Latest Sightings

11,000 Barnacle Geese around the reserve today in various fields and on the merse.

140+ Whooper Swans feeding in fields along the entrance road, on the reserve and flying around the site.

Folly Pond

Wigeon 200

Teal 200

Shoveler 12

Black-tailed Godwit 9

Whooper Pond

Whooper Swans

Mute Swans 26

Greater Scaup 1

Tufted Duck 60

Wigeon 50

Gadwall 2

Canada Geese 30

Avenue Tower

Teal 3261

Wigeon 100

Gadwall 3

Shoveler 7

Whooper Swan 2

Little Egret 3





Peter Scott Trail

Water Rail


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