Latest Sightings

7500 Barnacle Geese around the reserve.

74 Whooper Swans.

Folly Pond

GREEN-WINGED TEAL 1 drake - American duck, rare visitor to the UK

Teal 300

Wigeon 300

Shoveler 17

Redshank 8

Black-tailed Godwit 9

Snipe 6

Whooper Swan 10 - family with 7 cygnets

Whooper Pond

Whooper Swan 74

Greater Scaup 1 drake

Mute Swan 40

Canada Geese 40

Tufted Duck 64

Wigeon 42

Avenue Tower

No sign of the Bean Geese

Barnacle Geese

Pink-footed Geese

Greylag Geese





Great-spotted Woodpecker 1


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