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Latest Sightings - Tuesday 25th September - no sign of the Bittern so far

There are plenty of geese around the reserve this morning. Pink-footed Geese flying everywhere, some still out on the mud. Barnacle Geese can be seen from the Saltcot Merse Observatory around the trig point.

No sign of the Bittern as yet this morning, and there don't appear to be any Whooper Swans around, maybe they have moved further south?

Around the reserve:

Whooper Pond
Mute Swan 2 adults 6 cygnets
Mallard 148
Tufted Duck 5
Teal 3
Wigeon 1
Canada Geese 9
Greylag Geese 1
Little Grebe 1
Cormorant 1
Moorhen 3

Folly Pond
Mallard 5
Teal 1158
Wigeon 40
Shoveler 10
Lapwing 51
Snipe 2
Moorhen 2
Greylag Goose 1

Teal Pond
Gadwall 18
Mallard 1
Moorhen 3

Avenue Tower
Mallard 17
Teal 100+
Shoveler 2
Longhorn Cattle 2

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Pink-footed Geese 3,100
Barnacle Geese 214
Greylag Geese 30
Canada Geese 100
Peregrine 2
Mute Swan
Little Egret
Great Black-backed Gull
Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Herring Gull
Hebridean Sheep 9

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)
Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker


Unfortunately we have been experiencing problems with our Osprey camera this year. We hope to fix the problems before next summer. At the moment, the two Osprey chicks are still around the area but they will be heading south soon.
We aim to have Swan Cam and Badger Cam up and running soon.

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