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Look who's back!

The last few days of August, saw the first Light-Bellied Brent Geese recorded on Strangford Lough this season.

So far more than a dozen completed their epic journey from the Arctic and landed safely on the Lough, lured back by the life giving eelgrass.

As the Autumn progresses, we'll welcome thousands of Brent geese to the Lough with their numbers peaking in early October - just in time for The Big Brent Event 2018.

This is always a really exciting time of the year for visitors and staff alike, as Autumn also sees the return of other migratory bird species, including Whooper swans, which are often seen swooping overhead after completing their own remarkable journey from the Arctic.

Keep your eyes peeled too from the Limekiln Observatory for Wigeon, Black Tailed Godwits and Redshank, which gather in huge numbers at this time of the year.

Meanwhile, expect an ornithological orchestra in the woodland and Secret Swamp as the leaves turn and fall, with tits roving in flocks in the canopy along with goldcrests and treecreepers.

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