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May Madness at Castle Espie - Be a Research Ranger for a day, Catch a Puppet Show or meet our Fluffy Ducklings!..

The new wildlife areas will bring to life lessons learned inside the classroom

Spring is a time for New Life at our wetland reserve as goslings and ducklings hatch all around us and are regularly seen pattering and paddling after their parents. Dragonflies, insects and butterflies also emerge, along with toads, newts and frogspawn. WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre on the shore of Strangford Lough has some unusual events this bank holiday weekend and beyond that celebrate this most uplifting of seasons.

Research Rangers - Sat 25 & Sun 26 May
Join us for an awe inspiring day of wildlife exploring with our expert and friendly rangers. On the day you will search for the hidden tracks and trails of wild animals around the reserve, take part in some bird watching using telescopes, help the rangers to do pond dipping, and even help with some very special scientific research.
All ages are welcome to this fun educational event which gives everyone an insight into what amazing wildlife lives at WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre and how our rangers discover what is out there. The skills you will learn can also be used in your own back garden or local park. Who knows, this visit may be the beginning of your own desire to be an expert wildlife ranger of the future. Sessions take place from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm. Please call to book your space.

Amazing Mr Noah Professor Popup Puppet Show - Mon 27 May
The 12th Ards International Puppet Festival will be performing the story of a Man, an Ark and a lot of Animals! This imaginative re-telling of an old favourite is a delightful introduction to theatre, Suitable for 3 years +. There will be two performances at 1pm & 3pm. Please call to book your space.

Downy Duckling Tours - Every weekend and wed in June
Bring your family to meet ours at one of our Downy Duckling Days or visit the Duckery for your very own breath-taking experience. Come along and see our tiny fluffy ducklings and goslings as they take their first wobbly steps and take to the water like, well, ducks! You can even go behind the scenes and see the duckling nurseries with the incubated eggs and learn about egg fertility during ‘candling. If you’re really lucky, you might even see a tiny baby hatch from the egg, taking its first view of the world! Tours take place at 12 noon, 2pm and 3pm on weekends and at 3pm only on Wednesdays. Please call to book your space

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