More whooper swans arrive at Caerlaverock

In the last few days more whooper swans have arrived at Caerlaverock having made the long journey south from Iceland. A few old friends such as Paisly and Renfrew with 3 cygnets are now back and also U54(previously AXZ) who was ringed as an adult in 1996. At last we have some whoopers at the swan feeds at 11am and 2pm daily but many are roosting on the Folly Pond and feeding out on the reserve and on the surrounding fields during the day. Pink-footed geese have increased too with birds flying in to roost at night on the Solway with the barnacles. The American green-winged teal has been showing well all week on the Folly Pond but can be quite a challenge to pick him out among the 1,000 or so Eurasian teal!

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