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New arrivals

Exciting news! This week we've welcomed two female Emperor goslings into our newly renovated Duckery. We're pleased to announce they are both doing really well under the watchful eye of mum and dad of course!

Emperor geese are one of the favourite breeds housed in the Close Encounters Area for staff and visitors alike at Castle Espie Wetland Centre.

In the wild, they mostly breed in Alaska and parts of Russia. As a species they are listed as 'Near Threatened' by IUCN.

To get a closer look at these two gorgeous goslings, book yourself onto one of our Downy Duckling Tours, which are being held between Monday 2 and Sunday 8 July. There are three tours a per day at Midday, 2pm and 3pm. Booking required, contact: or call 028 9187 4146.

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