Oct 28th update from Castle Espie

Refuge Wigeon and Brent peaked mid month at 780 and 6000 respectively and have started to disperse southwards to pastures new. Shoveler (24 on 27th) and shelduck (260 on 27th) are still arriving, [...]


Wigeon and Brent peaked mid month at 780 and 6000 respectively and have started to disperse southwards to pastures new. Shoveler (24 on 27th) and shelduck (260 on 27th) are still arriving, as are whooper swans with a flock of 115 (incl. 30 juvs) frequenting the estuary and adjacent fields.  More waders have arrived in with up to 85 black-tailed godwit (16th)and 1000+ golden plover (21st)  at the head of the estuary and up to 230 dunlin and 408 lapwing by the also by the 16th.   Large flocks of eider are regularly seen from the Limekiln pavilion (550 on 27th) with up to 50 great crested grebe out on open water beyond the Castle Espie pier.  A large flock of 220 common gulls were recorded roosting on the mudflats (Oct 16th)



Whooper swans have at last found us with small flocks (24 being the largest) regularly pitching in to the Main Lake.   Tufted (45 on 26th)  and  gadwall (26 on 23rd)  have been increasing with a female scaup spotted on the 18thand 2 pintail (28th).  A second kingfisher was recorded on 27thgiving us hope that they will re-establish themselves after such a harsh December last year.  Mixed flocks of reedbunting, linnet and meadow pipit have been frequenting the southern salt marsh with the occasional wheatear.  Goldfinch appear to dominate the brickworks scrub with small flocks of siskin feeding around the carpark. 

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