Ospreys back at Caerlaverock

The ospreys have made a welcome return to Caerlaverock over the Easter weekend.

On Saturday (3 April), Reserve Manager Richard Hesketh saw an osprey land on the nest via the live CCTV link at Caerlaverock. The bird had a green ring on the left leg but although Richard was unable to read the letters on it but we felt sure it had to be our male bird AW.

He immediately started to re-arrange the nest ready for the return of his mate. Just in time because early on Sunday morning an unringed osprey flew onto the nest, and we could see from the unique facial markings that it was our female bird from last year. Then later the male flew in to join her on the nest and this time we could read his leg ring confirming that he is indeed our male bird AW. They each flew the 3,000 miles from West Africa independently and are probably only meeting up for the first time since they left Caerlaverock last September.

This pair bred successfully last year raising one chick to fledge, the first for Dumfriesshire since records began. Hopefully they will raise another brood this year. Our new CCTV system beams live pictures and sound to the Caerlaverock Wetland Centre visitor building so we can see and hear the birds at the nest.

You can follow the Caerlaverock Osprey Diary on our website here
Caerlaverock is open to visitors every day from 10am to 5pm.

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