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Prepare to be spellbound this Halloween at Castle Espie

Wrap up warm this autumn and spend some time in our extraordinary wetland getting close to a wide range of species, playing with the leaves under your feet or participating in some spooky fun.

Autumn is a season famous for its turning leaves, cooler temperatures, and darkening nights and not forgetting Halloween.

As the seasons change, so too do the wild visitors at Castle Espie. Wrap up warm this autumn and spend some time in our extraordinary wetland getting close to a wide range of species, playing with the leaves under your feet or participating in some spooky fun.

Join us at Castle Espie this Halloween where we will have a host of ghoulish activities for little monsters at the Spellbound Festival from Tuesday 29th to Thursday 31st October.

Embrace their inner Harry Potter with a broomstick flight training class, make magical potions from ghastly ingredients in our woodland, enjoy some spooky storytelling sessions and finish it all off with a frightful face paint and Halloween wetland craft.

The frighteningly good fun doesn’t stop there with this year seeing the addition of our new Nauseating Nature Trail. Venture into the dark side of nature and see if you will be in for a trick or a treat as you wind your way through our mysterious wetlands.

Speaking about Halloween at Castle Espie, Paul Stewart Centre Manager at WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre said; “Events like Spellbound are a fantastic way for our younger audience to engage with the wetland.”

“We are very excited about the addition this year of the Nauseating Nature Trail as it offers a fun and unique way for children to explore the wetland while learning a bit more about the wildlife that makes Castle Espie its home at this time of year.”

Entrance to the Spellbound Festival is included in the cost of admission and free to WWT members.

For a full event programme including timings for individual activities visit our website or call admissions on 028 9187 4146.

WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre is open every day from 10am to 5.00pm and parking is free of charge.

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