Recent sightings - 10th March

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, near high tide and a drizzly start.


Black-tailed godwit 200, Black-headed gull 120,  Brent geese 20, Shelduck 50, Oystercatcher 60,Redshank 40, Dunlin 45, Little egret 1,  Lesser black-backed gull 1.

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Greylag 1, Mallard 40, Gadwall 3, Tufted duck 9, Coot 3, Black-headed gull 15, Little grebe 4, Lesser black-backed gull 1.

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Redshank 2, Greenshank 1, Oystercatcher 3, Black-headed gull 55, Black-tailed godwit 7, one of them ringed:

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Black-headed gull 150, Tufted 2, Mute swan 2, Mallard 6, Coot 1.

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Greenshank 1, Redshank 1, Gadwall 3. Two kingfishers were chasing each other, in what seemed part of a mating display.

Limestone lake - visible from the Limestone Pavilion and upper woodland lookout

Little grebe 1.


Twite 3, Goldfinch 3, Coal tit 2.


Robin 2, Chaffinch 2, Tree sparrow 1, Blue tit 3, Coal tit 5, Long-tailed tit 2, Wren 2, Goldcrest 2, Dunnock 1. Yesterday a Black bird with partial albinism was observed in the swamp.

Reception ponds

There is a real frog madness at the moment at these ponds, with spectacular mating and spawning activity:


Our moth trap provided us with some new beauties this morning. We are indebted to the enthusiasm and skills of Ross McIlwrath (as well as to his kind willingness to help us early in the morning, in his day off):

Micromoth - Rhigognostis incarnatella

Early thorn - Selenia dentaria

Hebrew character - Orthosia gothica

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