Recent Sightings

Reserve On the 8th May, due to an extremely high Spring tide a record number of oystercatchers (770) were sighted on the reserve. On the 5th May a male garganey was spotted on the main lake along [...]


On the 8th May, due to an extremely high Spring tide a record number of oystercatchers (770) were sighted on the reserve. On the 5th May a male garganey was spotted on the main lake along with 8 mute swans, 1 little grebe, 40 tufted ducks and 600 black-headed gulls.

On the 5th May long-tailed tits were sighted feeding their young outside the workshop.  There were 2 red breasted mergansers on the fresh water lagoon. Male wheatear seen around the saline lagoon alongside 350 black headed gulls and ringed plover. 200 black-tailed godwits on the wader marsh with shelduck and 70 black headed gulls.  

Unusually large number of Black-tailes godwits (600) have been sighted on the reserve over the last number of weeks. 


27 Brent Geese spotted on the estuary along with several bar-tailed godwits. 17 curlews, 20 Dunlins.

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