Recent Sightings

Reserve On the 22nd April a little grebe was sighted on the limestone lake.  A family of mute swans has now taken up residency on the main lake along with 2 little grebes, 68 tufted duck [...]


On the 22nd April a little grebe was sighted on the limestone lake.  A family of mute swans has now taken up residency on the main lake along with 2 little grebes, 68 tufted ducks and high numbers of mallards.

Flocks of chaffinches and goldfinches using feeder outside loughshore cafe.

Beautiful calls and songs  on the Dawn Chorus morning (22nd April) included wren, great tit, willow warblers, wood pigeon, goldfinches, black birds and robins. Join our resident expert Dot Blakely on the next birdwatch morning, 31stMay at 10.30am. For further information please click here.


On the 22nd April, 600 black-tailed godwits have been spotted on the wader marsh with 12 redshank, 20 Knot and 2 teal. The estuary had 525 bar-tailed godwits and 33 brent alongside 11 curlews, 40 shelducks and 15 redshank. Sightings on the fresh water lagoon included 450 black headed gulls, 2 redshank, 1 oystercatcher and 4 swallow     

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