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Recent Sightings - 13th May 2019

Another small migrant has joined us within the last couple of weeks; the Sedge Warbler. Migrating from Sub-Saharan Africa, they breed in Northern Europe's wetland habitats in the winter, with a particular affinity for reed-beds.

This warbler, although quite demure in appearance, is very bold in personality. Sitting high up in the reed-bed it booms it's song to the world; a loud raspy and rambley warble that announces it's presence amongst the reed. Although their plumage is mostly made up of browns and pale yellows in order to blend in with the reeds, they do have very striking markings around the face; a dark head, below that a bold pale stripe and then followed by another dark eyestripe. This makes it a rather visually distinctive warbler.

There are two different males holding territories on the site. One can be seen from the Peninsula field lookout and the other is singing in the reedbed by the Crannóg and it is possible to get great views of the male singing from the bridge there.

Count taken at Low Tide

Estuary – visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Black-headed Gull 8, Oystercatcher c.20

Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Gadwall 1, Mallard 22, Tufted Duck 8, Greylag goose 4 + 5 goslings, Coot 1, Black-headed Gull c.75, Shelduck 1, Shoveler 1, Teal 1, Goldeneye 1, Wigeon 1, Moorhen 1

Shingle bank – visible from Sensory garden, Wadermarsh and Visitor Centre

Black-head Gull 83, Mallard 2, Shelduck 1, Oystercatcher 16, Greylag 4, Lesser Black-back gul 1, Cormorant 1, Mallard 2

Wadermarsh – visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Black-headed Gull 11, Shelduck 1, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Knot 1, Oystercatcher 138, Mallard 2, Moorhen 1, Gadwall 3, Linnet 2

Freshwater Lagoon – visible from Brent Hide and Crannóg

Mallard 3, Tufted Duck 4, Shelduck 1, Gadwall 1, Wigeon 1, Black-headed Gull c.400, Swallow 3, Sedge Warbler 1

Saline Lagoon – visible from Limekiln observatory

Black-headed Gull 40, Common Tern 1, Little Egret 1

Limestone Lake

Little Grebe 1, Common Sandpiper 1

Peninsula Field and Saltmarsh

Shelduck 1




Blue tit, Great tit, Coal tit, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Goldcrest, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Wren, Blackbird, Mistle Thrush, Robin, Dunnock, Wood Pigeon, Jackdaw

Seen in the past week (not on this morning's count)

Bullfinch, Treecreeper, Song Thrush, Sparrowhawk, Jay, Redshank, Meadow Pipit, Hooded Crow, Rook, Buzzard, Mediterranean Gull, Sand Marin, House Martin. (unfortunately it would appear the Little Gull has moved on in it's migration. It has not been seen for a number of days)


Peacock, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Small White, Large White, Speckled wood, Holly Blue

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