Recent Sightings

Reserve On the 14 April main lake sightings have included a cormorant, 1 wigeon, 25 tufted ducks, 17 shelducks, 5 graylag geese and 7 mute swans. Little grebes have been spotted on the limestone l [...]


On the 14April main lake sightings have included a cormorant, 1 wigeon, 25 tufted ducks, 17 shelducks, 5 graylag geese and 7 mute swans. Little grebes have been spotted on the limestone lake and fresh water lagoon.


On Sunday 15 April  up to 270 Black-tailed Godwits have been sighted on the Wader Marsh.   Woodland sightings have included chiffchaff along with great, blue, coal tits and flocks of goldfinches and chaffinches. Saline lagoon had 1 Oystercatcher and 1 Redshank.

On the 14 April the wader marsh had 90 black-tailed godwits, 2 redshank, 4 shelducks and amongst the black headed gulls 4 common gulls. The first brent geese have arrived at Iceland, but there are still some on the Lough that can be seen from the brent hide and limekiln observatory.

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