Recent Sightings

Reserve 8  April  - On the main lake we had 22 shelduck, 32 tufted ducks,  40 Redshank, 3 gadwalls, 1 sholver, 2 wigeon , 1 canada goose and 8 mute swans. A little grebe in the fres [...]


8  April  - On the main lake we had 22 shelduck, 32 tufted ducks,  40 Redshank, 3 gadwalls, 1 sholver, 2 wigeon , 1 canada goose and 8 mute swans. A little grebe in the freshwater lagoon with 2 gadwells, 2 graylags and 5 tufted ducks.



The peninsula saltmarsh saw 2 oyster catchers and 2 shelduck.  Flocks of coal, great and blue tits can be seen alongside goldfinches and chaffinches round the reserve and woodland.  Sightings on the on the limestone lake include 1 wigeon, 1 graylag, 40 common gulls.  On the Saline Lagoon 3 little egrets, 1 cattle egret and 1 redshank have been spotted.  


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