Recent Sightings 15th July 2024

The tide was in for this count, moving the Curlew up to the top of the Lough to roost all together and pushing the Oystercatcher into the reserve to roost on the Shingle Bank, joined by Common and Black-headed gulls.

Large numbers of Little egrets (pictured) were still perched above the Main Lake from the night before, reflecting on the water like bright white lighthouses. The Shelduck ducklings are growing up before our very eyes – now taking the form of scruffy teenagers, with their markings beginning to take shape but still consisting only of grey and white fluff!

The Tern Raft in the Saline Lagoon is proving very successful, with multiple pairs of Common terns sitting on nests and fishing in the salty water. You can hear their piercing, peeping cries from almost anywhere on the reserve, as one adult returns with food for the other, and territories are defended.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Lesser black-backed gull 1, Black-headed gull 38, Curlew 53, Mute swan 1, Little egret 1, Grey heron 1, Hooded crow 1

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Little egret 32, Mallard 43, Gadwall 4 (3 ducklings), Coot 2 (2 chicks), Little grebe 2, Tufted duck 3, Moorhen 6, Grey heron 1, Lesser black-backed gull 1, Mute swan 2, Shelduck 1 (6 ducklings), Common gull 1, Blackbird, Wood pigeon, Wren, Robin, House martin, Swallow

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Black-headed gull 12, Mallard 53, Oystercatcher 406, Common gull 11, Shelduck 1, Grey heron 1, Moorhen 3, Jackdaw 3, Little egret 6, Gadwall 2

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Moorhen 3, Jackdaw 2, Swallow, House martin, Greenfinch, Blackcap

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannóg

Moorhen 2, Mallard 12, Jackdaw 2

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Little grebe 2, Mallard 1, Common tern 9

Peninsula Saltmarsh

Meadow pipit 1, Black-headed gull 2

Peninsula Field



Robin, Blackbird, Linnet

Limestone Lake

Moorhen 1, Wood pigeon, Blackbird, Sedge warbler


Wood pigeon, Blue tit, Great tit, Robin, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Wren, Coal tit, Long-tail tit, Goldcrest, Treecreeper, Sparrowhawk

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