Recent sightings - 16th January

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide.


Black-tailed godwit 20, Oystercatcher 100, Curlew 20, Shelduck +200, Teal 12, Brent geese 60, Black-headed gull 2, Cormorant 1. A flock of 40 Lapwing passed flying over the lough, northwards.

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Mallard +250, Tufted duck 12, Black-headed gull 17, Coot 2.

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Curlew 1, Black-tailed godwit 1, Redshank 1, Coot 2. Some waders are being very constant in our wader marsh, giving everybody the opportunity of enjoying great sightings, like this of the Curlew:

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Mallard 13, Coot 1, Blue tit 1.

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Little grebe 1, Redshank 1, Teal 1.

Limestone Lake

Mallard 12, Tufted duck 2, Teal 3.


Chaffinch 1, Coal tit 2, Goldfinch 5, Blue tit 2, Wren 2, Robin 2.

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