Recent Sightings

Sunday 18th March - A pair of Mediterranean gulls are now residing with the 800 or so black headed gulls.  Shelduck numbers are up to 46 squabbling over who gets who on the Main Lake.&nb [...]

Sunday 18th March - A pair of Mediterranean gulls are now residing with the 800 or so black headed gulls. 

Shelduck numbers are up to 46 squabbling over who gets who on the Main Lake.  Up to 10 little egret (16th),  7 mute swans today.  Scattering of waders across New Saltmarsh i.e. black-tailed Godwit,  greenshank and redshank  with 20 or so oystercatcher and a single godwit using the grasslands around the old  brickworks.

Brent showing well on the estuary, along with knot, dunlin, black tailed godwit, bar tailed godwit, curlew and redshank.

No returning long distance migrants as yet.


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