Recent Sightings

Reserve Brent can still be seen daily on the peninsula saltmarsh with up to 9 (2 family groups) along with 6 ringed plover, 1 dunlin, 1 curlew, 31 oystercatcher, 3 redshank, 1 little egr [...]


Brent can still be seen daily on the peninsula saltmarsh with up to 9 (2 family groups) along with 6 ringed plover, 1 dunlin, 1 curlew, 31 oystercatcher, 3 redshank, 1 little egret, 2 shelduck and 12 mistile thrush.  There is a flock of 20+ oystercatcher frequenting grassland around brickworks.  Our little grebe is very active on the limestone lake with almost nonstop calling  through Saturday 11th and Sunday 12thFebruary (whinnying) as they establish territory.  The wader marsh has had its usual 3 greenshank, 2 curlew and  8 redshank were spotted on 11th  February along with 1 black-tailed godwit.


On the 12th February the low water count included notable numbers of Knot (970), shelduck (247), whooper swans (75), brent (149), black-tailed godwit (135) and shoveler (29).


Image taken by Richie Lort



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