Recent sightings

Reserve On the 5th February sightings on the main lake have included 3 male and 1 female pintail alongside 1 cormorant, 4 teal, 185 mallards and 32 tufted ducks. Large flocks of finches, goldfinch [...]


On the 5th February sightings on the main lake have included 3 male and 1 female pintail alongside 1 cormorant, 4 teal, 185 mallards and 32 tufted ducks. Large flocks of finches, goldfinches, chaffinches and bullfinches have been spotted in the swamp. Redshank, greenshank and shelduck have been spotted moving between the main lake and wader marsh. Siskin, redpoll, tree sparrows and greenfinches have been making regular appearances at the feeder next to the Loughshore cafe.


A family of brent geese have taken up residence on the Peninsula saltmarsh with a number of redshank. 3 oystercatchers, a mute swan and a little egret on the lake nearby. Groups of brent can still be seen on the estuary among high numbers of shelduck. Over the last few days the saline lagoon has been home to 2 redshank, 2 oystercatcher, greenshank and 3 little grebes.


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