Recent Sightings - 23rd March 2020

Although Castle Espie is currently closed due to the exceptional circumstances that are affecting us all. Our small team are still providing wonderful care to our captive birds and the reserve team are maintaining the habitats for the vast array of wildlife on the nature reserve.

Despite the extraordinary circumstances we are now living under, it's important to remember despite all the disruption to our lives, that nature will carry on doing it's thing: a pair of House sparrows have taken up residence in a nest box in our cafe courtyard and yesterday, were seen carrying moss and sticks to build their nest inside. The bright yellow flowers of Marsh Marigold are starting to bloom around our ponds and in the Secret Swamp. Long-tailed tits were observed picking lichen off of tree branches, in order to camouflage their mossy nests. A large flock of Knot were hurriedly feeding out on estuary, preparing for their long migration ahead. A Shelduck was seen in the Freshwater Lagoon, scouting out potential nesting sites. And the woodland is alive with the songs of birds, establishing pair bonds and defending territories.

All of the essential staff who continue to work at Castle Espie will endeavour to keep our supporters informed of all the happenings, changes and drama that comes with the shifting seasons and the normal cycles of the natural world.

Keep connected with us on social media via our facebook page and twitter, to receive updates and see videos of our birds and wildlife.

Stay safe everyone.

Count taken Low tide on 23/3/2020.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Brent Geese 46, Shelduck 7, Redshank 8, Black-tailed Godwit 28, Oystercatcher c.50, Knot c.350, Curlew 1, Lesser Black-back Gulls 2, Black-headed Gull 39

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Mallard 3, Tufted duck 29, Teal 25, Greylag goose 3, Moorhen 1, Coot 3, Black-headed Gull 22

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Teal 4, Black-headed Gull 76

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Teal 2, Black-tailed godwit 3, Redshank 1, Black-headed Gull 10

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Tufted duck 2, Mallard 5, Shelduck 1, Coot 3, Moorhen 3, Black-headed Gulls 156

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Black-headed Gull 23


Jackdaw 4, Mistle Thrush 1

Peninsula Field and Marsh

Black-headed Gulls 2, Heron 1


Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Blue tit, Great tit, Coal Tit, Long-tailed tit, Goldcrest, Woodpigeon, Hooded Crow, Magpie, House Sparrow

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