Recent Sightings 23rd October 2017

The following sightings were recorded today at low tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. A clear mild day revealed a large number of Brent geese on the Lough.

Estuary – visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Shelduck 54, Wigeon 60, Little Egret 4, Great Black-backed gull 1, Black-headed gull 4, Brent 2300, Curlew 4, Redshank 10

Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Mallard 187, Tufted Duck 17, Coot 3, Black-headed gull 2, Moorhen 1, Greylag 13

Wader marsh – visible from Wader marsh lookout and Brent Hide

Teal 3, Black-headed gull 1, Moorhen 4, Greylag 1, Kingfisher 1

Freshwater Lagoon – visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Mallard 75, Tufted Duck 6, Greylag 1

Saline Lagoon – visible from Lime Kiln Observatory

Little Grebe 2, Little Egret 4


Jackdaw 15

Peninsula Field

Grey Heron 1


Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal tit, , Blackbird, Goldcrest, Robin, Wren, Chaffinch,  Goldfinch

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