Recent Sightings 24th May 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a rising tide. The breeding season continues across the reserve with many birds now on eggs or busily feeding their young. In addition to the noisy nesting gulls, there area other birds tucked away but equally as frantic raising young including Coot and Moorhen. Look out for young of these birds around the freshwater lagoon. Closer to the buildings there is more activity including swallows nesting on the outbuildings, and Starlings and Grey wagtail at the centre. The grey wagtail is a regular breeder at Castle Espie, most often seen around the collection area and buildings. Usually found beside fast flowing rivers and streams, a pair have made their home around the lakes and ponds at Castle Espie. Most people will be familiar with Pied wagtail, however, the Grey is a larger bird with the tell-tale yellow on the breast. These bird feed on insects and you may catch a glimpse of one with an insect or two in its mouth. They are not uncommon in coastal areas, and can occasionally be viewed foraging along the shore. Many birds will adopt our houses and other buildings as suitable nest sites and all birds are protected during the breeding season so if you are lucky to have a lodger, try not to disturb them until the chicks have fledged and left the nest.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Black-headed gull 17, Oystercatcher 4, Curlew 4, Greater black-backed gull 2

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Coot 3, Grey wagtail 2, Goldeneye 1, Tufted duck 2, Black-headed gull 48, Mallard 9

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Greylag goose 2, Black-headed gull 20, Oystercatcher 6, Mallard 11

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Black-headed gull 10

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannóg

Mallard 7, Black-headed gull c.300, Moorhen 6, Lesser black-backed gull 1, Shelduck 1, Gadwall 2

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Black-headed gull 70, Common tern 6


Jackdaw 3, Moorhen 2, Woodpigeon 1

Limestone Lake

Little grebe 1, Little egret 1, Black-headed gull 4, Mallard 1

Peninsula Saltmarsh

Reed bunting 1

Peninsula Field

Jackdaw 4, Blue tit 1, Wren 1, Blackbird 1


Blackbird, Wren, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Great tit, Robin, Blue tit, Wood pigeon, Goldcrest, Blackcap, Goldfinch, Jackdaw, Magpie, Coal tit, Song thrush

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