Recent Sightings

Reserve. On the 21st January the first signs of spring appeared with 12 shelduck visiting the main lake alongside 12 little egrets. 28 oystercatchers were spotted on the brickworks and on the 22nd [...]


On the 21st January the first signs of spring appeared with 12 shelduck visiting the main lake alongside 12 little egrets. 28 oystercatchers were spotted on the brickworks and on the 22nd January 70 goldfinch were also spotted around the brickworks. Daily sightings have included  our usual scattering of waders, greenshank, redshank and curlew.  The sustainable garden welcomed 15 bullfinch who looked to be feeding on the roof. A pair of sparrowhawks were seen circling the Swamp Walk.


From the 15th January large flocks of up to 1500 Knot and 960 Lapwing have been seen regularly from the Limekiln Observatory. Over 1200 golden plovers have been spotted at the top of the Estuary and 120 light-bellied brent have started to feed further up the river on the salt marshes.   On the 20th great views of the peregrine falcon were witnessed from the Brent Hide.


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