Recent Sightings - 25th February 2020

Once again, the days are getting longer and the winter is drawing to a close. Very soon lots of the birds that have spent the winter in Strangford Lough will be leaving for their breeding grounds. However over the next couple of weeks, the numbers of these bird species will begin to swell as they gather in large flocks so that they can migrate together. For example, 120 Brent Geese were counted yesterday morning which is significantly higher than the monthly average previous to this count, 32 birds.

Until they leave though, we still get to enjoy these large flocks of wintering waders and wildfowl! The peninsula field is still showing large numbers of bird at High Tide, with around 500 Knot being picked up roosting on the saltmarsh there yesterday and lots of Curlew feeding up in the higher ground in the field. Check out the facebook page to see video footage of some roosting wader flocks in this field and marsh.

Non-breeding wading birds will stay here all year round, but most will leave us in the next few weeks. So get down to Castle Espie in the next couple of weeks for the last chance to see these birds, before they head off to breed for the spring and summer, in other parts of the world.

Count taken Low tide.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Brent Geese 120, Shelduck 6, Teal 3, Curlew 5, Redshank 27, Oystercatcher 27, Grey Plover 1, Little Egret 1

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Mallard 77, Tufted duck 12, Oystercatcher 2, Teal 3, Moorhen 3,

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Cormorant 3, Teal 5, Greylag 1,

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Gadwall 8, Teal 25, Greenshank 2, Moorhen 3

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Tufted duck 2, Mallard 1, Coot 2, Moorhen 3

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Little Grebe 1

Peninsula field and marsh (High Tide count in the afternoon)

Brent Geese 16, Shelduck 2, Curlew 87, Knot c.500, Redshank 15, Oystercatcher 15, Black-headed Gull 10, Raven 2


Blackbird, Wren, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Robin, Blue tit, Great tit, Woodpigeon,

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