Recent Sightings

Reserve A pair of red-breasted mergansers are still enjoying residency on the Saline lagoon and have been seen daily along with 3 little grebes, 9 gadwall and 40 oystercatchers.  On the 28th [...]


A pair of red-breasted mergansers are still enjoying residency on the Saline lagoon and have been seen daily along with 3 little grebes, 9 gadwall and 40 oystercatchers.  On the 28th December a bar-tailed godwit was spotted on the New Salt Marsh along with a group of black tailed godwits.  Two kingfishers have been spotted daily from the 6th January on the Main Lake alongside 2 whooper Swans. Daily sightings in the Brent Hide from the 4th Jan have included a single curlew, 6 pintail and 3 greenshank.


From 2nd Jan large flocks of up to 900 bar-tailed godwit, 150 black-tailed godwit and 150 knot have been seen regularly from the Limekiln Observatory.  A wildfowl count on 6th  Jan recorded 500 teal, 500 shelduck, 100 wigeon, 90 light-bellied brent, 200 red-breasted mergansers and a great crested grebe on the estuary. On the 8th  of Jan a peregrine falcon was spotted at the end of Castle Espie pier.

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