Recent sightings - 27th February

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide. While the wintering birds are still quite stable in numbers and variety, we are feeling now a shift in the behaviour of passerine birds, which have started to sing quite intensely, in their early search for a mate. Some of our traditional breeding birds, such as the Reed bunting and Linnets, which have been basically absent during the winter, are already back and exploring their usual nesting spots. These are all promising signs about an explosion of life in the forthcoming spring!!


Curlew 4, Black-headed gull 120, Brent geese 60, Redshank 2, Black-tailed godwit 12, Oystercatcher 50, Little egret 1, Shelduck 20, Lesser black-backed gull 2. A flock of +250 Knot was performing impossible acrobatics maneouvres over Strangford Lough.

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Gadwall 10, Tufted duck 21, Mallard 60, Coot 1.

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Black-tailed godwit 1, Oystercatcher 3, Redshank 2, Black-headed gull 2.

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Gadwall 2, Tufted 5, Coot 2, Mallard 10, Mute swan 1.

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Gadwall 2.

Limestone lake - visible from the Limestone Pavilion and upper woodland lookout

Tufted 2, Mallard 6.


Linnet 4, one of them singing passionately.

Peninsula Marsh - visible from the Limekiln observatory and Peninsula lookout

Reed bunting 1, Linnet 3.


Blue tit 1, Great tit 1, Coal tit 3, Robin 2, Wren 3, Chaffinch 4. There have been several observations of Siskin during the last week, the last of them yesterday. A good opportunity to spot this lovely bird, before they come back to their breeding grounds in Scandinavia.

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