Recent Sightings - 27th January 2020

You may be forgiven for thinking it is spring at the reserve in the last week, with the warmer than usual temperatures and the sound of the Song Thrush in the brickworks, Limestone Lake area. One particular bird is in full chorus with its astonishing repeated musical phrases, something you would normally associate with spring mornings. This species is unfortunately in decline as a breeding species here and is also partially migratory, which is why we see a few more birds in the reserve throughout the winter that we would the rest of the year. It has successfully bred on the reserve in recent times and the mix of habitats and associated flora provides good nesting and foraging conditions for this accomplished songster. Be on the look out for this species, Mistle thrush, Redwing and Fieldfare which all visit the reserve throughout the winter.

Today's Count was taken at Low Tide.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Brent Geese 70, Shelduck 167, Curlew 2, Redshank 5, Oystercatcher 2, Black-headed gull 20, Little egret 1

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Mallard 165, Tufted duck 15, Gadwall 2, Coot 3, Black-headed Gull 5, Little egret 1, Teal 50

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Black-headed Gull 2, Cormorant 1, Gadwall 2, Moorhen 5, Teal 42

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Redshank 2, Black-tailed godwit 1, Black-headed Gull 2

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Moorhen 3, Heron 1

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Little Grebe 1

Peninsula field and marsh

Black-headed Gull 3


Song thrush 1, Blackbird 2


Blackbird, Song Thrush, Wren,Chaffinch, Robin, Blue tit, Great tit, Coal tit, Magpie, Jackdaw, Woodpigeon,

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