Recent Sightings 27th May 2024

The tide was completely out for this morning’s count around the Reserve. Shelduck and Greylag geese swam peacefully across the Main Lake, providing a picture perfect view from the Turtle Hide in the Sensory Garden. Moorhen and Coot chicks are getting bigger as they scuttle around Freshwater Lagoon, and the Sedge warblers and Reed warblers on the Crannog are singing their hearts out as you walk past.

The unmistakable sound of a Chiffchaff fills the Woodland, as bright pink Bullfinches fly from branch to branch and the Great spotted woodpeckers rush to and from their woodpecker hole, hopefully feeding young!

A pair of Linnet (pictured) were out in the sunshine this morning, showing off their beautiful markings as they chattered on the gorse hedge in the Limestone Grassland. Linnet are mainly farmland birds, feeding on seeds and forming large flocks in the winter. They are a Red-listed species, due to their population decline, so it’s lovely to see them at Castle Espie. Keep an eye out for them whilst you’re in the Limekiln Observatory.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Lesser black-backed gull 3, Hooded crow 5, Black-headed gull 3, Shelduck 5, Light-bellied brent goose 1, Mute swan 2, Little egret 1

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Mallard 5, Tufted duck 3, Moorhen 3 (with 2 chicks), Little grebe 2, Goldeneye 1, Gadwall 1, Shelduck 2, Greylag goose 4

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Mallard 2, Gadwall 7, Black-headed gull 15

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Black-headed gull 1, Wood pigeon, Swallow, Moorhen 1

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannóg

Moorhen 1, Coot 1 (with 3 chicks), Mute swan 2, Blue tit, Jackdaw, Wren, Sedge warbler, Reed warbler, Swallow

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Swallow, Black-headed gull 1, Mallard 1, Grey heron 1

Peninsula Saltmarsh

Shelduck 2, Meadow pipit, Gadwall 2, Sedge warbler


Robin, Jackdaw, Blackbird, Sedge warbler, Song thrush, Swallow, Linnet, Meadow pipit, Chaffinch

Limestone Lake

Willow warbler, Black-headed gull 13


Jackdaw, Great spotted woodpecker, Chaffinch, Wood pigeon, Blackbird, Wren, Chiffchaff, Song thrush, Hooded crow, Goldcrest, Bullfinch, Blue tit

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