Recent Sightings - 28th May

Pete Matchett Limekiln

The following sightings were recorded by Pete Matchett, Reserve Warden

Our Mute Swan pair have finally settled on a nesting site on the Freshwater Lagoon just as you step out onto the reserve. They are nesting just a couple of metres from the path, however, they are tolerant of people walking past them as long as they don't get too close.

Ringed Plover females on nests appear to have been unsuccessful in their breeding attempts. It is likely that the eggs/chicks were picked off by hooded crows. However one female appears to be nesting again, hopefully with more success this time.

We appear to have Common Tern nesting on the Saline Lagoon but this is still to be confirmed as they as sitting in an awkward location. If they are nesting it would be a first for Castle Espie and they will hopefully draw in other terns in the future.


Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Black Headed Gull 700

Greylag 4 - One pair with 4 goslings

Tufty 28

Little grebe 2

Coot 4

Cormorant 1

Shelduck 3

Swallows 15

 Freshwater lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Black Headed Gull 400

Coot 2

Tufty 15

Gadwall 5

Swallows 15

Mute Swan 2

Wader marsh - visible from Wader marsh lookout

Black Tailed Godwit 5

Shelduck 8

Little Egret 1

Saline lagoon – visible from Saline lagoon lookout

Black Headed Gull 190

Common Tern 2

Gadwall 2

Oystercatcher 9

Shelduck 2

Limestone lake – visible from Limestone pavilion

Little Grebe 4

Tufty 2

Cormorant 1

Peninsula Field/Saltmarsh - visible from the Limekiln Observatory

Shelduck 2

Ringed Plover 3

Reed Bunting 1

Wheatear 1


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