Recent sightings - 2nd April

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide. As the spring comes in, more and more signs of mating are being shown among our birds: Dawn chorus are being intense, and several species, such as the Black-headed gulls, Blue tits or Reed bunting, are being found with paired individuals. It's a matter of days for some of them to lay eggs, and to start the miracle of life again.


Brent geese 30, Oystercatcher 5, Redshank 3, Black-headed gull +200, Shelduck 50, Black-tailed godwit 3, Little egret 1, Lesser black-backed gull 3.

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre

Cormorant 2, Common Teal 7, Mallard 60, Tufted duck 15, Greylag 5, Black-headed gull 2.

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Redshank 3, Common teal 1, Black-headed gull 160, Oystercatcher 2, Shelduck 2. High tides are bringing very good numbers of Black-tailed godwit, ranging between 200-700 individuals. These numerous flocks, along with their progressive feather colour change towards stunning, deep orange, are offering extraordinary sightings.

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog

Tufted 5, Mallard 10, Mute swan 4, Black-headed gull +200, Gadwall 2.

Saline Lagoon - visible from the Saline Lagoon lookout and Limekiln observatory

Tufted 2, Gadwall 2, Black-headed gull 21.


Mistle thrush 1, Robin 2, Linnet 2, Goldfinch 2, Dunnock 1, Blue tit 2.

Peninsula Marsh - visible from the Limekiln observatory and the Peninsula Marsh lookout

Reed bunting 1, Black-headed gull 2.

Limestone lake - visible from the Limestone Pavilion and upper woodland lookout

Little Grebe 2, Tufted duck 2. The Kingfisher was spotted yesterday in this area.


Greenfinch 1, Dunnock 2, Treecreeper 1, Great tit 2, Coal tit 6, Robin 1, Wren 2.

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