Recent Sightings

Sightings from the 8th September have included:

  • 16,000 Brent Geese were spotted on the Lough.
  • Estuary – 1 Peregrine falcon was spotted on the Estuary
  • Main Lake – 130 Mallard, 15 Tufted, 16 Gadwalls, 9 Pintails, 3 Shovelers, 2 Coots, 22 Teal, 10 Little Egrets, 4 Redshanks and 2 Kingfisher.
  • Pier – 34 Great Crested Grebes were spotted off the Pier.
  • Small Birds – Linnets, Chiffchaff and Swallows over the Main Lake. Goldcrests and Coal Tits near the Turtle Hide in the Sustainable Garden.
  • Butterflies – Red Admirals, Tortoiseshells, Large Whites and Peacocks seen on Buddleia in both the Sustainable Garden and The Plumbs.
  • Dragonflies – Common Darter and Common Hawker
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