Recent Sightings

Sightings from the 6th October have included:

  • The Brent Geese continue to disperse with 16,000 on the Lough – 3,000 of which can be seen around this area.
  • The first 10 Whooper Swans arrived on the Main Lake on Saturday 6th October.
  • A Kingfisher has been seen regularly on the Main and Limestone Lakes.
  • Wader Marsh – 10 Redshanks and 1 Little Egret
  • Main Lake – 1 Heron, 375 Mallard, 30 Tufted Ducks, 36 Greylags, 3 Coots and 5 Gadwalls.
  • Small birds – Coal Tits and Goldfinches have been spotted using the feeders outside the shop.
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