Recent Sightings

Sightings from the 23rd February have included:

  • Wader Marsh – 42 Black Tailed Godwits, 13 Redshanks, 3 Greenshanks and 1 Curlew.
  • Peninsula Salt Marsh – 4 Brent Geese, 1 Greenshank and 1 Redshank.
  • Finches and Sparrows have been spotted using the feeders at the shop and restaurant.
  • Limestone Lake – 4 Little Grebes, 8 Greylags and 1 Mute Swan.
  • Fresh Water Lagoon – 6 Mallards, 1 Mute Swan and 2 Coots.
  • Main Lake – 32 Tufted Ducks, 9 Shelducks, 12 Gadwalls and 2 Redshanks.
  • 40+ Oystercatchers at the end of the Pier.
  • Patches of Brent in amongst Shelduck on the Estuary.
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